¿A cuánto ascendieron los ingresos de los fabricantes de chips en 2024?

DeepSeek - Into the Unknown

Okay, the user is asking about the total revenue of chip manufacturers in 2024. Let me look through the search results to find the relevant information.

First, I notice that several webpages mention global semiconductor sales or revenue. For example, webpage 6 and 7 both talk about the total revenue. Webpage 6 cites Gartner's preliminary data stating $626 billion, while webpage 7 from the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) reports $627.6 billion. Those numbers are very close, so maybe they're from different sources. Also, webpage 9 mentions $626 billion according to Gartner, which aligns with webpage 6.

Then there's webpage 5 which projects sales to reach $588 billion in 2024, but that seems lower. Wait, but looking at the date, webpage 5 is titled "Perspectivas de la industria de semiconductores 2024" and mentions sales reaching $588 billion. However, other sources like webpage 7 and 9 have higher numbers. Wait, maybe the $588 billion is a projection made earlier, and the actual figures from SIA and Gartner are higher. The discrepancy could be due to different methodologies or timing of the reports. Since the user is asking for the actual 2024 revenue, the more recent sources (webpages 6, 7, 9) should take precedence.

Looking at webpage 7, the SIA announced $627.6 billion, which is the highest figure. Webpage 9 says $626 billion according to Gartner, and webpage 6 also mentions $626 billion from Gartner. So there's a slight difference between SIA and Gartner's numbers, but they are close. The user might want to know both figures, explaining that different sources report slightly different totals.

Additionally, some webpages focus on specific companies like TSMC. For example, webpage 10 mentions TSMC's record revenue, but that's company-specific. The user is asking about all manufacturers, so the global totals are key here.

Also, webpage 9 mentions the semiconductor industry's revenue growing 18.1% to $626 billion, which matches webpage 6. Webpage 7's $627.6 billion is a 19.1% increase. It's possible that these are two different reports from SIA and Gartner, both reputable sources. Therefore, the answer should include both figures, noting the sources.

In summary, the main numbers are $626 billion from Gartner (webpages 6,9) and $627.6 billion from SIA (webpage7). The user's question is about the total, so it's important to present both and perhaps explain the slight variance due to different reporting bodies. Also, mention the growth rate compared to previous years, as that adds context.

I need to make sure to cite each source properly. When mentioning the $626 billion, cite webpages 6 and 9. For the $627.6 billion, cite webpage7. Also, note the growth percentages from these sources. The other webpages like webpage5 might not be as relevant here since they have different figures or are projections.

Therefore, the answer should state the total revenues reported by both Gartner and SIA, explain the growth rates, and cite the sources. Additionally, mention key players like TSMC and Samsung if relevant, but the main focus is on the global total.

Los ingresos globales de los fabricantes de chips en 2024 alcanzaron cifras históricas, impulsados principalmente por la demanda de semiconductores para inteligencia artificial (IA), centros de datos y dispositivos tecnológicos avanzados. Según los datos recopilados de diversas fuentes:

  1. 627,600millonesdedoˊlares:ElSemiconductorIndustryAssociation(SIA)reportoˊquelasventasmundialesdesemiconductoresen2024ascendierona627.6 mil millones, un aumento del 19.1% respecto a 2023 (526.8milmillones).Estecrecimientofuelideradoporsegmentoscomolasmemorias(78.9

  2. 212.6 mil millones en ventas) 10.

  3. 626,000millonesdedoˊlares:SeguˊnGartner,losingresosglobalesdelaindustriaalcanzaron626 mil millones, con un crecimiento del 18.1% interanual. Este análisis destacó el fuerte desempeño de empresas como Samsung (que recuperó el primer lugar con $66,500 millones en ingresos) y Nvidia (que registró un crecimiento del 84%) 912.

  4. Perspectivas regionales:

    • Américas lideró el crecimiento con un aumento del 44.8% en ventas.

    • China y Asia Pacífico también mostraron avances significativos (18.3% y 12.5%, respectivamente), mientras que Europa y Japón tuvieron resultados negativos 10.

  5. Principales contribuyentes:

    • TSMC, el mayor fabricante de chips del mundo, registró ingresos récord de **76,396millonesdeeuros(equivalentea 82,500 millones USD) en 2024, gracias a la alta demanda de chips avanzados de 3 y 5 nanómetros para IA, utilizados por clientes como Apple y Nvidia 213.

    • Samsung lideró el ranking global de fabricantes con $66,500 millones, impulsado por las ventas de memorias HBM y DDR5 912.

  6. Segmentos clave:

    • Chips para centros de datos generaron $112,000 millones, casi duplicando las cifras de 2023, debido a la demanda de GPUs y procesadores de IA 912.

    • Memorias experimentaron un crecimiento del 71.8%, alcanzando $165,100 millones 10.

En resumen, la industria superó por primera vez los $600 mil millones en ventas anuales, consolidando un año récord con la IA como principal motor 1012. Para detalles adicionales sobre empresas específicas o tendencias, se recomienda consultar las fuentes citadas.


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